Friday, July 23, 2010

So the challenge is on:

Carly and I have been dancing around the ‘get fit and eat healthy challenge’ for quite some time but nothing ever came off it, the occasional spinning session happened but those were few and far between. Suddenly with the world cup over, summer approaching and the cover of every magazine with a half naked, super toned women it all got a bit much.

We decided we needed help from a professional and who better than our very own VIC, he works with us. My ultimate goal to do complete a triathlon, since I was small the though of completing a triathlon has always high on my do to list. The time is now. (If all goes to plan)

It’s almost been a week of eating healthy and by this I mean, I have cut out sugar, bread, alcohol and caffeine and most importantly chocolate! We have been re-acquainted with the gym, which had been a rather bittersweet experience. None the less I will continue until the quest of the ultimate body is reached! Grrrrrrr


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